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Top Tips for a Successful Video Interview

The last year has seen a massive shift in the way that companies are conducting interviews to recruit the best talent to their organisation. It is now almost guaranteed that your next interview will be conducted in front of a camera. 
In addition the usual preparation around client, manager and skill sets, here are a few top tips that I have picked up over the past few years that will ensure you put your best foot forward in securing your dream role when on camera:
1) Charge it, Test it!
Whether you are using a laptop or tablet it is key that it has a full battery! Moreover, pick a spot in your house that has a strong wifi signal. Nothing worse that the internet cutting out during an interview! It may also make the hiring manager question if you have the capabilities of working from home, which for most roles is a prerequisite now. If you do decide to use a tablet find a way to keep the tablet stationary and stable. This means that you won’t have a shaky screen during the interview. 
2) Declutter the space!
Making the space you are going to interview in as free of distractions is very important. Make sure you are the only person in the room and that your background is simple and neutral. If you think this is difficult, then a number of the video conferencing technologies offer a variety of backgrounds. However, don’t pick a beach scene or party balloons!
3) Dress to impress!
A video interview is still a face to face interview but just done via technology! Try to find out the type of organisation they are. If they are within professional services then it is likely that you should be suited and booted. My top tip would be unless you are told otherwise to go with business smart. Even if told they are smart casual, then a smart shirt can never go a miss! You only get one chance to make a first impression.
4) Arrive early and look directly at the camera!
There is no harm in arriving 5 to 10 minutes early to the meeting ID to ensure that the technology is working. Most video technologies will need the person running the meeting to let you in so you can sit there and wait to be admitted. Treat the camera as the interviewer. If you were in a face to face meeting, you would maintain eye contact so it is no different to do this via video link. It shows that you are interested in what the person has to say. It is easy to look at your own picture so don’t fall into this easy trap! Also make sure you are centred and have good posture so the picture remains consistent for the interviewer.
5) Voice management and tactical pauses.
Your voice is your tool during an interview so make sure you have tested your microphone volumes and speaker levels. Use clear language to get your points across and add in some pauses for people to ask questions. It is difficult sometimes to tell when someone wants to ask something compared to a face to face interview so a slightly longer pause avoids those awkward cross over talks! 
6) Show your appreciation at the end!
Thank your interviewer for their time! With any interview is always good to make the interviewer aware of your interest in the role and for taking the time to meet with you. In essence you are reinforcing the point that you want the role that you have just spoken about. 
Overall, a video interview is no different to a face to face interview as long as you prepare well and be yourself! Good luck!
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